Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ashley's Lacrosse Team - Fall 2010

The season is all over except for the pizza party. It was lots of fun coaching Ashley's team!


Ashley's First Feis

Ashley won two medals at her first Feis!

Navy Pier with the Conways and Murphys

In retrospect, taking a boat ride was a good way to celebrate Columbus Day.

Ellen's Outift from Chinatown

This is the outfit Ellen got when we were is San Francisco.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ellen's Song About the Number 3

Oh three...
you kind of look like a butt...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun Bubbles

Wendy: Ellen, quit blowing spit bubbles.

Ellen: I call them fun bubbles.

Wendy: Well stop blowing them. They are disgusting.

Ellen: I will only stop if you call them fun bubbles.

Wendy: Stop blowing spit bubbles right now!

Ellen: Don't you mean fun bubbles?