Monday, August 24, 2009

Ashley's Poem

Grass is soft
and snow is too.
But bricks are hard
Ooh ooh ooh.

Ellen's Question

"Why do we thank God?"

Because he gave us everything we have.

"Why does he keep giving us his old toys?"

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ellen Playing with Her New Toy Animals

Hi I'm the owl, and I want to play with my friend.
Oh, Hi.
will you be my friend?
What's your name?
Donkey the donkey.
How old are you kid?
Hey, do you want to take a ride on me?
Hey, where's owl?
Hey, he went, hey, he went...that way.
Oh thanks.
Hey owl what are you doing here?
I was just wanted to take a ride on him.
Come on you have to come back.
No thanks. I want to go right here...and stay here.
Well, then I won't have anyone to play with me.
You can have the cricket, he's nice.
Hey cricket, what's name?
Cricket the cricket. Want to play with me?
Yeah, I want to play with you...friend.
I got to get here again.
I'll go you here.
The story is done. The end.

Toledo Zoo

Our Little Bees

This was a fun exhibit at the Toledo Zoo, except for the last picture which was taken at home of Ashley in Brenna's Halloween costume.

Toledo Firefighters Museum

Camping at Maumee Bay

Maumee Bay Drive-In

We saw G-Force. Thaks to the "G"s for keeping our country safe. And I never have trusted those star-nosed moles.

Bumper Cars at Kiddieland

Riding the Little Autos at Kiddie Land

Ellen Loves Her New Penguins That She Won at Kiddieland

Last Trip to Kiddieland