Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Girls Dance Along with an Elmo Video

Wendy Cuts Ashley's Ice Cream Cake

Ice Cream Cake On Ashley's Birthday

To celebrate on Ashley's Birthday, the Murphys and Grandma came over and we had an ice cream cake.

Ashley Blowing out her 7th Birthday Candle

Ashley's Birthday Nature Walk

Ashley's Birthday Party

Ashley and her friends went to the Nature Center, went on a nature walk and played nature bingo!

Brenna Plays Peekaboo with the Camera

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ellen's Preschool Graduation - the Movie

Ellen's Preschool Graduation

Ellen was given the "Helping Hand" award - we are so proud of her! Her teachers were wonderful.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pluto + Socks = Ghost Dog!

And his trusty sidekick the White Kitty!