Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day at Boynton Beach

Grandma's House - Boynton Beach

Her new house is between the 13th green and the 14th tee. Not too shabby. And yes, Brenna is sitting in a magazine rack.

Disney Summer Winterland Mini Golf

Sea World - Trampoline

Ashley and Ellen just love this thing.

Sea World - Penguins

Or were they puffins?

Sea World - Manatees

These guys were rescued after being injured by boats. They are even lazier than hippos.

Sea World - Pet Show

Sea World - Shamu

Sea World

Animal Kingdom - Ashley's Pet Kitten

Animal Kingdom - Brenna at the Zookeeper's

Animal Kingdom - Petting Zoo

Animal Kingdom - Bird Show

Ashley thought this was just the best. There was even an American Eagle! Ashley just had to go up and talk to the trainer after the show.

Animal Kingdom - Fossil Dig

All the kids liked this one!

Animal Kingdom - Dino-Rama