Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ellen's Questions About March 7th (Her Birthday)

She is a little unclear on the concept. Here are some questions Ellen has asked over the last few months:

"Is March 7th a cute girl like me?"

"Can we give March 7th a present?"

"Does March 7th wear glasses?"

"How old is March 7th?"

"Does March 7th live in Apartment 4D?"

"Does she have Littlest Pet Shop?"

"Where does March 7th live?"

"Does March 7th have a baby?"

"Does March 7th want a skunk?"

"Does March 7th want a camera?"

"Is March 7th coming back?"

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ashley's Famous American Day at School

Ashley as Rosa Parks. Her friends Declan as Ray Kroc and Adam as Dr. Seuss.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




Ashley's St. Patrick's Day Parade and Performances

Ashley & her friends had lots of fun and did a great job!

Ellen's Pajama Party

Her favorite present: The DJ Lance talking hat.

Hamster Ball

The hamsters like to go exploring!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ashley's PR Firm Scores Another Coup !

This time, they landed her on the 3rd page of the Reporter. She is in the 2nd row on the left.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ellen Wants to Know if the Following Animals Make Poo Poo:


I guess she's trying to get the answers to all of life's important questions before her 4th birthday.