Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ellen's Favorite Toys

The Triops Have Hatched!


She likes to eat chocolate and try on other people's boots.

Ellen Lounging

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Wendy, Uncle Jon-Jon and Aunt Deidre took the kids sledding and made a snowman!

Christmas at the Madsens

Copyright 2008, Uncle Jon-Jon. The kids picture is all of the Madsen cousins.

At the Museum

More Uncle Jon-Jon pictures, from the Museum of Science and Industry.

Uncle Jon-Jon's Christmas Pictures

Here are some great pictures that Uncle Jon-Jon took while he was visiting over the holidays.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ellen the Astronaut

It is so nice to see Ellen smiling again! What a December she had: an ear infection, then strep, and finally he flu - what a trooper!


Here is the aquasaur aquarium that Ashley got for Christmas - we will see if the aquasaurs (aka triops) hatch

Campbell Cousins

Here is a picture of all the Campbell cousins, taken at Declan's baptism.