Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brenna Had a Bad Dream Last Night

She woke up crying and screaming "That's my candy!" over and over! Poor thing!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lincolnwood Turkey Trot

Ashley and Ellen both got medals for participating in the drumstick dash! Ellen ran 50 meters, and Ashley and her friend Liliana ran 200 meters!

Ashley Teaching Brenna How to Draw

Ellen Has Lost a Tooth!

It had been loose for more than a week, but it actually fell out while she was at preschool. We are not sure exactly what happened to it once it fell out. She mentioned something about one of her classmates giving her money for it. Possibly some sort of tooth fairy tooth flipping scam.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Playing in the Leaves

Driving an Electric Car at "Planet Alcott"

This is good practice for when the girls are older and all are electric.