Thursday, October 30, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Corn Maze

Wendy & I both thought this picture looked a lot like a cross country meet.

Pumpkin Eating Robot Dinosaur

Wendy found this to be a fascinating photographic subject. This kids liked it when it burped.

Day at the Pumpkin Farm

The highlight was the kangaroo with her little joey. As it happened, Ellen had brought her kangaroo along as well.

Also, riding the ponies was lots of fun.

Brenna Enjoying the Soccer Game

More Pics from Ellen's & Eamonn's Soccer League

Ashley's Other Top Front Tooth Fell Out!

Ellen Says "It's a Masterpiece"

Ellen and Eamonn Sing the ABCs

Ellen Sings "Row Row Row Your Boat"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ashley Rock Climbing at Pump it Up

Ashley's Top Right Front Tooth Fell Out

The left one is not far behind! According to her, "this is a window for my tongue"!

Fire House Open House

We went up to the Arlington Heights Fire Department open house - it was fun.

Skokie Farm

Enjoying the weather while we still can!

Eamonn's and Ellen's Soccer League

They are currently unbeaten and unscored upon. The biggest kid on their team scored 5 goals yesterday, while all of the other kids pretty much just ran around. BUT, they had fun!