Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Maga and Papa

Maga and Papa heard there was some extra birthday cake, so they came over yesterday to have some!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brenna Turns 1!

She loved her new chair from the Murphys, and had lots of fun eating a cupcake!

Bacoulis Kids Come to Visit

Ashley and Ellen had lots of fun with Jack and Nicholas!

Ashley's & Ellen's Experimental Hairstyles

Ellen is sporting "pointy" tails, while Ashley's hair is braided.

Grandma and Brenna

Here is the picture Grandma took with Brenna before she went back to Florida. Hard to believe Grandma is coming back in a few days!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yard Party - The Movie

Playing in the House

Yard Party

Cousin Evan from California came to visit with his Mommy(Aunt Deidre)and Daddy (Uncle Jon-Jon) and we had a yard party.

Ashley's New Cheerleading Outfit

Thank you Auntie Jill! She loves it - and Ellen likes the Pom-Pons!