Friday, June 13, 2008

Brenna's 7th Tooth Arrived this Week

Ellen's Messy Face

She likes chocolate.

Ashley's Last Day of Kindergarten

Ms. Shaffer was the best teacher ever!

Kevin's Birthday

The Chicago Cousins suprised me! Then the Clevelanders sent us pizza! Thanks everyone!

Pretty Plants in Our Yard

Brenna's First Step!

Crabby on top of His Tree

Or is it Shelley? Either way, we couldn't believe it!

Mommy and Brenna

Ellen is Ready for Summer!

Ashley Eating with Chopsticks - the Movie

With Special Guest Stars Ellen and Brenna

Ashley eating with "Chopsticks"

OK, they are toaster tongs, but they do look like chopsticks.

Caterpillars / Coccoons / Butterflies!

Ellen Watering Her Garden

Ellen's Pony Tail

She sure looks grown up with her hair like this!