Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Brenna's Baptism

Here are some pictures from Brenna's baptism on Sunday.

Brenna's Baptism

Afterwards, we had lunch at Piatto. As usual, the youngsters took over the bar.

Brenna's Baptism

The girl of the hour and her pretty cake.

Brenna's Baptism

This was the first time Ashley held a lit candle. She did a great job.

Brenna's Baptism

Uncle John and Aunt Cathy, Brenna's godparents.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ashley in the Santa Lucia Procession at Church

Apparently, Santa Lucia was an Italian woman who is revered in, of all places, Sweden!

The many Faces of Brenna

Candy House

We made this at church on Saturday.

Little Princesses


Ellen finally decides to wear her peacock costume 6 weeks after Halloween.