Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ashley, Grandma & Brenna

Grandma is going back to Florida tomorrow - it was great to have her here this summer! We will miss you grandma!

Brenna is One Month Old Today!

Ashley & Ellen Painting

Ellen and Her Dolls

The one on the left is very lifelike!

Strawberries on the Last Day of Summer

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Elias Family Comes to Visit!

Jen, Jason, Lauren, Ben and Lindsey came by to visit and "see the baby" today - thanks for the great presents and food, guys! Ashley and Ellen had lots of fun playing with their friends.

Brenna Chilling in Her Bouncy Seat

Ellen Thinks She is Going to School

Not so fast kid - you got 3 years to go yet before Kindergarten!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Brenna's Umbilical Cord Fell Off Today

I'll spare you all the photograph.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Click on the Link for Brenna's Picture from the Web Nursery

Announcing the arrival of Brenna Maeve on the Our365 WebNursery!Please come visit and enjoy baby's first photographs and other fun facts by clicking on the below link. While you're there, please sign the Guestbook so we know you stopped by!

Introducing Brenna Maeve Campbell!

Ashley's First Day of Kindergarten

Ashley was so excited about her first day of Kindergarten - we can't wait to hear all about it when she comes home this afternoon!

Cousin Ryan Playing the Piano

Ellen & Eamonn Playing Lacrosse


Here are Ashley, Ellen & Brenna with all of their Midwest cousins. The only cousin missing is California cousin Evan.

Children's Museum

A few pics from our visit to the Children's Museum. Ashley did her own facepainting. The funky picture is of Ashley & Ellen shown dancing on a projection screen. Then they hid out in a tree for a while.

Our New Minivan

Here is the long awaited picture of our new minivan that I promised the day I started the weblog. I think John Chase is the only one who was actually interested in seeing this picture, so here you go, John.