Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Room is Complete!

Here are some pics of our new room, which will soon be cluttered with clothes.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ashley Turns 5!

Our camera obviously does NOT have red eye correction.

Thanks to Aunt Angela for taking these pictures.

Ashley had her 5th birthday party at the YMCA today. She was so happy to have all of her cousins and friends there to celebrate with her. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Not sure why we even bought beds for these 2 - they seem to prefer curling up in a ball in the corner of the playroom!

New Playground

Here are the before and after photos of our new playground set.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ashley with her classmates Isabel, Alex and Kyle.

Ashley and Mommy (Wendy) on Graduation Day.

Here is Ashley in her graduation cap. She was given the "best imagination award". She will be doing some post grad work in imagination over the summer before starting kindergarten in the fall.

This was taken at Ashley's preschool graduation. She is playing the role of "pink fish" in the Care-A-Lot production of "The Rainbow Fish".

Our little princesses!

Here is cousin Cait teaching Ellen how to eat an apple. Grandma appears to want an apple as well but is too shy to ask.

This is the new room we added to our 2nd floor. We are thinking about furnishing it some day, possibly.

Here are Ellen and Ashley with Maga and Papa.

This is Ellen blowing out the candles at her 2nd birthday party, while cousin Ryan looks on, and daddy (me) tries to blow out the candles surreptitiously. I remember getting in trouble for doing this to my little sister Angela's candles when I was a kid. I guess old habits die hard.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Here are Ashley & Ellen playing in the snow, 2/17/07.

First Posting

Well I quit playing poker on line, and so now I am going to start a blog. Here are the things I am going to post photos of as soon as I get around to it:

1) Ashley's preschool graduation (happens tomorrow)

2) Our new minivan (will have it by Thursday)

3) Ultrasounds of the new baby (due August 22nd)

Here's hoping I follow through.
